
Chores Chores Chores

I just have to say, it is extremely hard to get a picture of the little munchkin cause he won't hold still for 2 seconds. McKay was being super crazy one evening and I was trying to finish up dinner and get the dishes done. He was attached to my leg he wanted to see what I was doing. I finally stripped him down to his diaper, pulled a chair up to the sink and let him help with the dishes. He was so excited but then his face turned completely serious. He was concentrating very hard on his work. After about 15 min I thought he had his fill and tried to get him down. He was having none of it. An hour later I finally coaxed him down. He loves water and he loves helping with chores. Another funny story, he snatched the broom when I put it down for a min. He proceeded to sweep the entire house including the carpet. He would turn and look at me every once in a while to make sure I was watching.

Brand new white shirt and tie to match Daddy's!


  1. I love it! He's such a handsome little man :)

  2. Just saw your blog linked on someones. So fun to find you! You guys all look great- hope you're doing well!


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